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Press releases and news

Here you will find our press releases and news

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    New policy instruments for improved plastic waste recycling
    policy instruments designed to increase the recycling of plastics in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.
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    Web app visualizes forest biomass and flows of mass and energy
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute has developed a web-application that visualizes the flows of mass and energy between different industrial processes that rely on forest biomass.
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    Whitefish monitoring programme off to a promising start
    The Swedish Inland Fishermen’s Federation has commissioned IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute to develop a proposal for a self-monitoring programme for the whitefish fishery in Lake Vänern and Vättern.
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    New collaborative research will improve air quality in vehicles
    What are the main sources of air pollution in vehicle compartments? What is the driver’s air quality like, and most importantly – how can it be improved? In a new project IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Volvo and the University of Gothenburg will attempt to find the answers.
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    New knowledge report about drug residues in sewage treatment plants
    IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, together with its partners, KTH, Stockholm Water and Syvab has published a knowledge report that reveals how wastewater can be purified from drug residues.
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    Åsa Romson visited Cityfied’s pilot project in Lund
    On May 6, Sweden's climate and environment minister Åsa Romson (Swedish Green Party) visited Lund to learn more about climate-smart and eco-friendly projects. One of the projects she visited was Cityfied’s pilot in Linerö that aims to upgrade the 70’s housing in the area.
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    Major investment in resource and waste research
    IVL will participate in a new, long-term research programme for sustainable resource and waste management. Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency, and Formas are to jointly invest SEK 430 million in five new strategic innovation programmes in which industry, academia and the public sector working together will create the conditions for sustainable solutions to global societal challenges.