Areas of activity
The activities at SWIC, Sjöstadsverket Water Innovation Centre, are mainly research and development on advanced water treatment technology and water recycling.
At SWIC, we have several developmental projects of national and international interest. These include the optimization of existing water processes and techniques, as well as research and development of innovative water treatment techniques and processes. They can be system level, treatment steps or evaluation of different technical products.
In addition to R&D project activities, we at SWIC (Sjöstadsverket Water Innovation Centre) are passionate about competence building, and is also used for educational purposes, as a platform for sharing knowledge, and for study visits and demonstrations.
Examples of areas of operation:
- Basic research and development
- Applied research and development
- Reference and demonstration facility
- Training and knowledge sharing platform
The image below summarizes our activities. Read more about what SWIC has to offer.